Babies Senses

A baby is born with an ultra-sensitive tactile sense. That’s why holding them skin-to-skin is so powerful. Through every touch, they learn about their bodies, their surroundings, and human connection. The way they are birthed and treated is the very first impression they have of the world. They are aware beings that are so super sensitive to bright light, touch, sounds, and smells. We know this now but if you can believe it, years ago babies were thought to not feel pain.

Every baby born is aware and conscious. Routine hospital protocols of rubbing babies vigorously with a rough towel to make them cry, shoving syringes down their throat, cold birth rooms and bright lights, lots of talking and loud noises, eye drops, and needle pokes right away. All of these don’t allow baby to land gently. Let me be clear, there are times when intervention is necessary and babies need some extra help and thank God they have them available…when needed.

Birth is a lot for these little beings. They were floating around in an anti-gravity, warm cozy environment, and then their environment changes. Some things you can do to make their landing more gentle are to ask to turn off the bright lights, use natural lighting, and candles, have someone like your doula hold up their iPhone flashlight, do skin-to-skin right away, and allow the baby’s cord to go white and stop pulsing (this helps give them time to transition from breathing from cord to lungs). Ask them not to wipe off or scrub your baby, instead ask or bring a comfy soft blanket and if baby is congested and crying will help clear some fluids from their lungs, knead your baby’s butt like your kneading dough or tickle their foot. Ask for your voice to be the first that your baby hears. This is a way for you to imprint through your voice it also helps them transition to life like you are calling them home to you. Look into their eyes you will see their soul, Skin-to-skin as soon as possible as babies thrive best when they are returned to where they came from.

If your baby needs medical support or interventions you can start all this as soon as possible. If for some reason you are unavailable your partner is the next best thing. Most important, do what feels right for YOU!


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